So since I'm going to be super busy this weekend, I'm going to lump a couple campaigns together in one blog. I'm in 5 or 6 campaigns on right now (which is slightly overwhelming btw), but I'm loving getting to try all these products! Campaigns are as follows: Excedrin Extra Strength I get extremely terrible migraines, I mean 'lie in bed all day with the blanket over my head' bad, and it usually takes several 500mg capsules of Ibuprofen or Tylenol to make them go away. BzzAgent sent me a 24 capsule bottle of Excedrin Extra Strength, and I'm convinced it's the best thing on earth to make me feel better. I can take one 500mg capsule, and the migraine is gone in 15-20 minutes . I ran out of them about a week ago, and nothing has helped since. I've tried Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Aspirin.. I'm officially converted to Excedrin Extra Strength. The ingredients are Aspirin, Acetaminophen, and Caffeine. By themselves, they don't work. B...
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